Friday, March 12, 2010

You've Got Me Under Your Skin

Well, it appears that I have gotten under the skin of a certain Internet Radio Host for a Conservative Ethnic Group (lol).

Yesterday, I posted the copies of comments and replies about how poorly my candidate was treated during his phone interview earlier this week. Today, I find that said internet radio host responded to my letter (not Jeff Daiells'??) wherein he calls me a liar (huh??), suggests that I don't know details of my candidate or his campaign, and then attempts to twist reality around by stating that I owe him an apology!

Ya...I don't think so, "Larry". But, nice try.

Check out the hilarious post from him below, atrocious grammar and all, followed by my final comments to him!

Thanks for the admission

Mrs. Cole~Pearson, thank you for your commentary here and your admission of numerous idealogical points which Mr. Daiell tried very hard to avoid. As for rudeness, I was polite & Mr. Daiell called me despicable & contemptable as I recollect. Furthermore, while I'm sure you don't know this, it was Mr. Daiell who asked to be on my show and commented afterward that he was actually glad (my conclusion...I don't know if he was actually glad, happy or simply satisfied) he appeared. So, I believe it is you, he or both of you who owe me an apology for both his and your dishonesty. I suspect; however, that like the huge percentage of votes you all were counting on, I doubt that will be arriving anytime soon either. Have a nice day.

  • Posted By Lauro Garza at 2010-03-11 19:22
The following are my Final Comments to Mr. Garza:

Not to split hairs, Mr. Garza, but it was you that called me on the afternoon of Thursday, February 4, 2010 and requested for Jeff Daiell to be on your show. You explained to me personally that you had attempted to contact Jeff once on your own, but were unsuccessful. You also stated to me that you would “love to have (Jeff) on your show, but (you) needed to speak with Jeff first because you won't go in blindly on an interview.”

I will agree that you and Jeff were both equally polite and engaged in common courtesies in the beginning of the show, to include Jeff stating that he was glad to be on your show to share his message with your listeners when you welcomed him. After exchanging these pleasantries, your line of questioning became more aggressive toward the break, and by the end of your show, you were completely out of line. You may call these tactics “hard-hitting”, but the reality of it, sir, is that when you personally (not politically) offend someone, it is your responsibility to rectify the problem, unless you intentionally meant to insult the person. There is certainly a difference between a “lively conversation” between two educated, passionate adults, and engaging in a contemptuous, slanderous partisan scheme of baiting and provoking. far as dishonesty is concerned, Mr. Garza, perhaps it would be wise for you to take a step back and re-evaluate your own words and actions. Further, had you provided either myself or Jeff with the full-disclosure that your radio show was nothing more than a set up for you to attack Jeff Daiell and the Libertarian philosophy, we would have never have agreed to have Jeff be a guest on your show, plain and simple.

I will end this now by letting you know that I wish you well in your efforts to reintroduce Latinos to the Republican Party. I’m sure that we will all continue to do our best in fighting the good fight to ensure that the rights and freedoms of our citizens are not trampled on by Big-Government while also advocating Lower Taxes, and Fiscal Conservatism.


Christie Cole-Pearson

I do suppose Lauro was right about one thing... On his website, he's a self-described "funny guy". Turns out he's right about that!

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